Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Sonic Man Promotional Poster

It's a rare one and only handed out in the Charlotte metro area.  Here, we see our hero making with one of his Utorian martial arts moves.  We can also clearly see his famed Belt Communicator, through which he received messages from Utor, often while on-air (moms can be so clingy).  We can also see the colors of his costume, which are of a darker shade than the costume he wore in the famous 1979 Charlotte Christmas Parade (  We can also see the vibrant colors used in the background of the TV show set and clearly see that they are very inspired by Jack Kirby art.  Maybe the background was inspired by the "Marvel Super Heroes" episodes that were shown on the show beginning in 1979?  Who knows.

Nonetheless, this poster is LEMTOWX!

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