Monday, February 24, 2014

Sonic Man Unworthy for Inclusion in Wikipedia????

Have you, like me, ever wondered why you get almost NO HITS on Google, Bing, Yahoo or other search engines when you search for our beloved patriarch SONIC MAN?  Even searches with the keywords Charlotte, WCCB 18, Fabulous Funnies, Gotcha!, etc., return very few if any hits.  Are people just not interested in Sonic Man?  That can't be the case!  Since starting this blog a few weeks ago, I've already received several emails from people in Kenya wanting to send me money!  That's a sure sign of the international interest Sonic Man engenders.  Regardless, I am attempting to help address this particular situation with this blog.

Have you wondered why Sonic Man has no Wikipedia page?  The answer to that question is a whole different can of worms.  You see, Wikipedia -where every sniffle or eye-tick from Star Trek or Marvel or DC Comics has its own page-- has not only stiffed Sonic Man, it has done so because it considers him just not important enough to have his own entry.  It's true!

Check out this exchange: Someone calling themselves "HangingCurve" decided that a perfectly serviceable Sonic Man article was on a subject (i.e. Sonic Man) not "notable enough" for a "standalone" (sic) article.  This in spite of the fact that "HangingCurve" self-identifies as a "Charlottean."  I would have to call someone who was from Charlotte and who actively attempted to suppress information about Sonic Man a charlatan, NOT a Charlottean.  In fact, "HangingCurve" needs to have his/her official status as a citizen of Charlotte revoked for such an offense.  No more trips to Wolfman Pizza for you.  Harris Teeter will no longer accept your money.  Even the waitresses at Lupie's Cafe will punch you in the nose.  Just get out of town!

So, anyway, due to the actions of one person (and, according to the thread, after several attempts to get a "clear consensus") the Sonic Man page was deleted because of  "no sugnificant (sic) references."  Ridiculous and, as Sonic Man would say, "NOT PLAX!"  Sonic Man would also advise most of the above Wikipedia people to spend more time studying, because their spelling is atrocious. 


  1. I am loving this site! Thank you so much for putting these images of a character near and dear to my heart on the internet. Before your site, there was really NOTHING out there on Sonic Man. Thank you and please keep turning out the posts.

    Also, when are you going to post the Utorian language thing that you mention below?

  2. Thank you for the kind words. I am getting ready for a "post avalanche" this weekend and will do at least one post, maybe more. I have some really cool images sent to me by a fellow Sonic Man fan of...well, that would be telling. Tune in and see. ;)

    BTW, the Utorian lexicon will be posted soon, as well.

  3. I would be very, very interested in seeing this "Utorian Lexicon" flyer that you mention. Would you be willing to sell it at some point? I have never heard of this before and I've been trying to track down Sonic Man items for years. The poster is the most common item, but I have never seen or heard of this flyer thing.

  4. @ Anon:
    Sorry, I am not selling the Sonic Man flyer. I'll post it here for posterity's sake at a later date. Thank you very much for your interest in this blog and please keep checking back!

  5. Preach on it, paxis.
