Sunday, February 16, 2014

"The Fabulous Funnies" TV Guide Listings: 1978-1979

These scans of a few very important TV Guides from 1978 & 1979.  In the Sonic Man "Sonic Vocabulary" promo flyer (will upload it this week), we learn something vitally important to Sonic Man historians: Sonic Man made his debut on "The Fabulous Funnies" on WCCB July 7, 1978.  This is verified by the scan below which shows that the day of Sonic Man's debut WCCB (channel 18) has listings as "To Be Announced" in the 2:30-5:30pm slot.

In the scan below, we see that the next week (specifically, Monday, July 10, 1978), this 2:305:30 slot is filled with various 30 minute kid's shows, such as "Spiderman" (the 1960's cartoon), etc.

Scanning through TV Guides from this time period reveals how the content of Sonic Man's show varied.  Below, we see that great shows like "Batman" (presumably the 1960's Filmation cartoon, not the Adam West live-action) and "Marvel Superheroes" (the wonderful 1960's cartoons) came into the lineup in 1979.  You would not get bored with re-runs if you watched "The Fabulous Funnies" everyday after you got home from school!


  1. Looking at that one set of listings that show 3:30-6PM on a Monday really illustrates how poor TV has become,. I mean, a 5 PM alone there were three different episodes of Six Million Dollar Man! Today all you see is local news, cooking shows, talk shows, more news and infomercials. Very sad.

    1. Great comment! And back then there were so many fewer channels! I think the inevitable unbundling of cable may bring back better TV. Thanks for the comment.

  2. I have to correct your comment re: Batman. Julie Newmar never participated in the Filmation series, so that was very much indeed the 1960s Adam West series, which I remember seeing for the first time on weekday afternoons in my part of the world.

    1. You know, I viewed the scan again, and you are looking at the listing for channel 10, not channel 18 (WCCB). Regardless, thanks for the comment and sorry it has taken so long to respond.
