Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sonic Man 1979 Christmas Parade Video Still

Here we see a still shot from the fore-mentioned (in my previous post on the promo-poster) video from YouTube featuring Sonic Man on one of the cars in the 1979 Charlotte Christmas parade.  Zapruder-like in its quality, it is somewhat alarming to see our hero riding in an open-top car, just like JFK.  Luckily, Sonic Man survived this encounter, no doubt partly because of the cute little elf driving the car.

This video is vitally important for Sonic Man historians.  Here, Sonic Man's outfit is markedly lighter than in the promotional poster.  It seems unlikely that this is the result of direct sunlight, as the clothing people are wearing on other floats & cars look very dark and drab.

The checked pattern on his vest is white, not the black that we see in the promotional poster.  This red/black vest pattern is also present in the "Sonic Vocabulary" promotional flyer (which I will upload later).  One wonders if WCCB decided to change the color to make it look less like Spider-man's outfit, which has a black web-pattern on a red background. This change certainly would make WCCB less likely to get a "cease and desist" order from the -at that point in time-- powerful Marvel Comics Group.  

Also of note is that the small mouth opening on the costume (seen in both the poster and the flyer) seems to be gone.  The mouth now seems covered, which would make it potentially nasty for someone to wear it after someone else wore it.

Finally, we get a back shot of the cape as Sonic Man rides out of the frame.  The cape was blue on the edges and red in the middle.  Maybe the cape was blue on the inside and red on the outside and Sonic Man just flipped it back so he could move his arms and this made the cape appear to be of two different colors on the back.  Interesting, nonetheless.

The fact that this piece of footage still exists is VIBROTAN!  In the above image, Sonic Man is giving his trademark horizontal karate chop salute to the crowd.

A big TIVSERV to clarkkent1367 for preserving this invaluable resource for Sonic Man historians everywhere.

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