Wednesday, October 4, 2017


When I first saw this, I could not believe it.  I was just sitting there for a few minutes wondering if it was real.  Then I clicked on it.  100% authentic and  Wow!

SEVERAL MORE Holy Grails coming this month!  Stay tuned!  Until then, KINHI, LOWUN!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

BIG Reveal Coming Soon!

Hey!  I have just made a big purchase of a Sonic Man "Holy Grail"!  Will post photos and the whole story very soon. 


Thursday, January 5, 2017


I was watching a promo-reel (an advertisement) for our beloved Charlotte, NC station WCCB TV18 from 1982, when I saw something that really surprised me.  Along with ads for other syndicated shows on WCCB at the time like the "Hardy Boys & Nancy Drew" and movie packages like "Cowboy Classics," I saw a quick ad for a kid's show hosted by two costumed people.  It was called "Cosmos and the Captain," and the setting seemed to be a space-ship base.  What the heck?

There is absolutely NO INFORMATION available online about this show.  NOTHING.  So what can we deduce from the very short piece of video footage?  It seems clear that "Cosmos and the Captain" was a kid's show, hosted by two adults dressed up like space voyagers, in costumes that look remarkably like Joel and Mike's outfits on MST3K (Mystery Science Theater 3000 to you uninitiated out there).  Since this came from the early 80's, it's a safe bet that "THE CAPTAIN" is the male with the mustache.
This guy looks suspiciously like the genius guitarist for Blue Oyster Cult, Buck Dharma:
Hmmm.  Doubt it's Buck, as BOC was riding high in '82 and Buck was probably way too busy to host a kid's show in Charlotte.  This is all conjecture, however.  Buck does love outer space and sci-fi, so, maybe... .

Regardless, with the identity of "The Captain" established, the question remains, who is the titular "Cosmos"?  Is it...

Or could it be...
                                                                      Him?  Her?  It?

I would tend to think that "Cosmos" is the young lady in the same suit as "The Captain."  Also, this young lady has a crazy hairstyle (Dig that thing on the back of her head!), which any and all fans of the Kuchar Brothers know is a great, cheap special effect.  Was she meant to be an alien?  Maybe she and "The Captain" interacted like Kirk and Spock on "Star Trek."  Or maybe it was an antagonistic relationship like Spock and McCoy!  Since it was a kid's show, probably the former not the latter. 

OK, so now we have the two main chracters in "Cosmos and the Captain" identified.  Many, many questions remain, however.  Did this show bump our beloved Sonic Man off the air?  Was this show a hosted "Intro To Other Material" show like Sonic Man?  How long did it last?  Did it feature irritating "space sounds" the entire time it was on like "Star Trek" and other space-themed TV shows?  Any merchandise from "Cosmos and the Captain"?  Could it have been based on "Captain and Tennille?"  Oh, man...can't go there yet.  We just don't know.

Can anyone out there help with more information?  Please leave some posts in the comments and, as always, TIVSERV!!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Here is part two of the unveiling of the rare, rare, rare WCCB TV-18 Charlotte SONIC MAN Promotional Flyer from 1978.

This really is one of the "Holy Grails" of Sonic Man memorabilia.  Now YOU and your friends can speak the language of the planet UTOR, Sonic Man's homeworld!

I do think it is really charming how so many of the words are designed to appeal to a kid's life experience: "Principal,"  "School bus," "Classroom," "Teacher," "Grownups."

GELMOR with this lexicon, LOWUN!  TIVSERV for visiting and I'll be back soon with more Sonic Man DIDYOG!


Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Hello everyone!  I have been away for quite awhile, but to reward you for your patience and to finally follow up on my post from back in May, here is some new content...and what content it is!

This post will feature a scan of the front cover of the famous, extremely rare, Sonic-Man "Sonic Vocabulary" flyer from September, 1978.  WCCB TV 18 had a limited number of these printed up to promote their Sonic-Man character and your humble Sonic-Man Memories blogger happens to have one.  Check out this first image and let me know what you think.

I am going to post the rest of the flyer tomorrow and this will be what will break the internet...Sonic-Man's Utorian Lexicon!  Not seen since the 70's, now any visitor to this blog will be able to converse in the language of Utor like a real Utorian. 

When I am done, the world will once again be exposed to Sonic-Man's Utorian language!  Be sure to GELMOR until next time!

Monday, May 23, 2016


 Yes, I am still alive.  Yes, I still have memories of Sonic Man.  More posts later...I promise.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sonic Man Fan Art 4


This one was actually done by me, your humble webmaster and Sonic Man Archivist.  And CEO.  And COO.  I always thought it was easy to make up titles like that!  Regardless, I took an original picture of Sonic Man, scanned it and colored it in based on the information present in the WCCB Sonic Man Poster.  I am pleased with the results and and also find them interesting... .

This still is taken from the oh-so-rare Sonic Man Promo Flyer (which I will one day upload) which is dated 1978.  The mouth-slit in the costume is much more prominent than I would have thought previously.  This is intriguing, as there is no visible mouth-opening in the particular costume featured in the 1979 Charlotte Christmas Parade.  So, did the costume change in more ways than the color (see previous posts for what I mean by this)?  More mysteries involving Charlotte's #1 superhero... .  Until later, Sonic Fans...CLOMESURATE!!!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Sonic Man Fan Art 3: Sonic Man MICRO-HERO!

 Big thanks to "stephcast" who sent me this very cool Sonic Man "Microhero" that she designed.  "Stephcast" says she lived in Charlotte for a time as a kid and loved Sonic Man on WCCB.  She also says she loves the blog and used the images on here to come up with this design.  She asked me if she could get a scan of the "Sonic Man" logo and I gladly obliged.  The final product is VIBROTAN!  Another big TIVSERV to you, stephcast!

 I think this design is fabulous.  Everything is dead-on accurate: the white stripe on the head is there, the control belt...even the scalloping under the arms!  Excellent work and I am proud to put it up on the site.

If YOU have anything you would like to share with the world about Sonic Man, please email me and let me know.  I'll put the design up and will be happy to give you credit!  I still have a dream that somewhere out there someone has a tape of "Fabulous Funnies" from WCCB with Sonic Man...I KNOW someone has to have a recording done with a cassette tape of the show.  Come on and send it to me, please!  I'll put it up on the site and you'll get full credit.