Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Hello everyone!  I have been away for quite awhile, but to reward you for your patience and to finally follow up on my post from back in May, here is some new content...and what content it is!

This post will feature a scan of the front cover of the famous, extremely rare, Sonic-Man "Sonic Vocabulary" flyer from September, 1978.  WCCB TV 18 had a limited number of these printed up to promote their Sonic-Man character and your humble Sonic-Man Memories blogger happens to have one.  Check out this first image and let me know what you think.

I am going to post the rest of the flyer tomorrow and this will be what will break the internet...Sonic-Man's Utorian Lexicon!  Not seen since the 70's, now any visitor to this blog will be able to converse in the language of Utor like a real Utorian. 

When I am done, the world will once again be exposed to Sonic-Man's Utorian language!  Be sure to GELMOR until next time!

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